Frozen Fruity Yoghurt Bark
Posted on 28th July 2022
A tasty way to get one of your 5 a day!
We made our Frozen Fruit yoghurt bark with Strawberries and Raspberries but you can mix and match what fruit you add in with the changing seasons. In the months of June – September you might be able to forage for Wild Strawberries and Raspberries in your area. Make sure to keep a look out on your walks and don’t forget to tag us in your finds.

You’ll need:
A handful of freshly foraged (or store bought) Raspberries and Strawberries
500ml Greek yoghurt (full fat)
Honey to taste
A medium sized deep baking tray
Baking parchment
Start by washing and chopping your fruit into thin slices, you will be splitting the fruit into two parts.
Pop half of your chopped fruit into a blender until smooth
Fold the blended fruit into your yoghurt

Gather your tray and line it with baking parchment (you’ll want this to sit above the tray (as its easier to remove when frozen).
Spread the mixture evenly over the tray
Place the other half of your chopped fruit on top of your mixture

Place in the freezer until solid (for best results, we advise leaving this mix over night to fully set)
Once frozen, remove from tray and roughly chop your fruity bark chunks
Consume before they start to melt

Try this!
Why not try mixing it up with a Pineapple Weed and Elderflower cordial yoghurt bark?
Blend your Pineapple Weed, add a splash of elderflower cordial and fold into your Greek yoghurt. Place in a suitable tin and freeze until solid.

Happy foraging everyone!
If you’d like to know a little more about foraging please head over to our sister site, Wild Food UK to see their very helpful mushroom and hedgerow guides.
Remember to stay safe and never eat anything unless you’re 100% sure it is safe to do so.
Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages too.
Instagram @foragingshop @wildfooduk