Foraging in November 2021
Posted on 24th November 2021
Foraging in November: Here are a few edibles that we’ve found this month.
We’ve included some information about a few mushrooms and plants that we’ve been lucky enough to spot whilst out and about this month.
Why not have a go at spotting some of these treats yourselves.

Scientific name: Cantherellus tubaeformis
Also known as a yellow foot and trumpet chanterelle. This mushroom can found between August through to December. Winter Chanterelle mushrooms love mixed woodland and coniferous forest.

Scientific name: Rumex acetosella
This little plant can be used as a garnish, a salad leaf, a green for soups and stews or as a sweet ingredient for cakes and sorbets.

Scientific name: Clitocybe / Infundibulicybe geotropa
This mushroom is often referred to by its common names as; Trooping funnel or Monks head Often found from September through to December hiding in mixed woodland, especially clearings and roadsides. This is a fairly common mushroom, mainly growing in troops or rings, but can be found individually.

Scientific name: Armillaria mellea
Found growing in large clusters, on trunks, stumps and on dead wood. They get their name for honey coloured caps. Take care while foraging this mushroom, do a first time test as some people have an allergic reaction to these mushrooms.

Scientific name: Stellaria media
Also known as starweed, crashes, chickwort, maruns and winterweed. Can be found all year found and a great addition to any salad.

Scientific name: Lactarius deliciosus also known as Red pine mushroom. This mushroom has a good flavour and crisp texture.

Scientific name: Flammulina velutipes
This mushroom is capable of surviving being frozen solid. This fungi can be found throughout the winter and is a tasty find when there is not much else about.
Happy foraging everyone!
If you’d like to know a little more about our finds please head over to our sister site, Wild Food UK to see their very helpful mushroom and hedgerow guides
*please note that photos vary to every hedgerow*.
Please let us know if you need any assistance or information and remember to stay safe and never eat anything unless you’re 100% sure it is safe to do so.
Remember to give our @foragingshop @wildfooduk a follow on instagram for the latest information & product updates.